Bibimbap is one of the best comfort foods.

Bibimbap is one of the best comfort foods.

#shorts #koreanfood #comfortfood Bibimbap aka. "mixed rice" is one of the most representative Korean dishes. The most famous type with different stir-fried vegetables, beef, and egg yolk is among many Korean cuisine lovers. Little is known that there are different variations of bibimbap as you can mix everything with rice. Everyone or family has their recipe, so whatever is left in your fridge, you can mix it up and add a spicy sauce made of gochujang, sesame oil, and soy sauce. And it's soooo good! Today, I made one of the classics: yeolmu (young radish leaves) kimchi bibimbap. Recipe (1 serving): Prepare rice, then cut yeolmu kimchi with your scissors, and cook a crispy, fried egg. In a bowl, mix 1 tbsp gochujang, 1 tbsp sesame oil, 1 tbsp corn syrup, 1 tbsp soy sauce, and 1 tbsp toasted sesame seeds, and 1/2 tbsp garlic. Top off the rice with kimchi, egg, and sauce. Mix well. You can also add more sesame seeds or/and sesame oil to your liking. Enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜‰