Fits Attack in Dogs 🐕. Epilepsy in Pets

Fits Attack in Dogs 🐕. Epilepsy in Pets

Fits or Epilepsy in dogs is now becoming more common nowadays. This video will help pet parents to find the most likely causes and how to manage them. Fits have following Important causes: 1. Heavy worm infestation 2. Canine Distemper Virus 3. Hepatic Encephalopathy 4. Idiopathic epilepsy 5. Toxicity/Poisoning 6. Diabetes 7. Hypoglycemia 8. Mechanical or Head Trauma Before medical management it is always recommended to diagnose the cause of fits. Note: Please don't give any medication without your local vet guidance. Seek Veterinary Care always. Your pet is your kid and soul and so they should get best care possible. If you want to consult your pet health related issues like second opinion/Diet planning /Tele Reiki Healing /Pet Behaviour Counseling you may book cost effective whatsapp consultation at +91-8542049490 For more details visit Best Regards Dr SkMishra #dogandvet