

백봉산으로 일출 보러 다녀왔어요 I went to Baekbongsan Mountain to see the sunrise 7시쯤 올라갔어요 너무 깜깜해서 호평동야경이 너무 예뻤어요 I went up around seven It was so dark that the night view of Hopyeong-dong was so pretty 천마산 정상으로 올라가는 불빛도 너무 신기했어요 The light going up to the top of Cheonmasan Mountain was also amazing 올라가다가 만난 이웃덕분에 어렵지 않게 올라갔네요 Thanks to the neighbor I met while going up, I went up without difficulty 백봉산 정상까지는 못 가고, 피뢰침 있는 돌탑 부근에서 잘 보일거라는 조언 덕분에 그쪽에서 일출을 기다렸답니다 Thanks to the advice that I couldn't go to the top of Baekbongsan Mountain and could see well near the stone pagoda with lightning rods, they waited for the sunrise 아쉽게도 구름이 많아서 일출은 보지 못했어요 Unfortunately, I didn't see the sunrise because there were a lot of clouds 새해 첫날부터 첫째아드님과 추억만들기 하였네요 I made memories with my first son from New Year's Day 새해 복 많이 받으세요 Happy New Year