When God Is About to Give You Something Big, You Will See These Signs | BILLY GRAHAM MOTIVATION
#faithjourney #billygraham #history #faithandtrust #preacher #motivation #faithoverfear When God is about to bless you with something big, He often reveals it through signs. You may face unusual challenges and opposition, as the enemy fights hardest before a breakthrough. There may be a season of waiting and testing, where God refines you for what’s coming. Doors may close unexpectedly, redirecting you to something greater. You might feel a deep inner restlessness, sensing change is near. Uncommon divine connections may appear, bringing the right people into your life. Above all, you will experience supernatural peace amid uncertainty, a confirmation that God is working behind the scenes. Key Takeaways: Opposition often increases before a breakthrough – The enemy resists what God is about to release. Waiting seasons refine you – God prepares you before entrusting you with something greater. Closed doors are divine redirections – What seems like loss is actually positioning for a blessing. Inner restlessness is a sign of upcoming change – God stirs your spirit when it’s time to shift. Peace in uncertainty confirms God’s plan – Trust His process, even when things seem unclear. #godstiming, #divineblessings, #spiritualgrowth, #trustgodsplan, #faithoverfear, #waitingonGod, #supernaturalpeace, #godisworking, #breakthroughseason, #blessingscoming, #spiritualdiscernment, #godsmiracles, #purposefulwaiting, #divineconnections, #trusttheprocess, #walkingbyfaith, #newseason, #godsplanisgreater, #spiritualwarfare, #closeddoorsopenbetterones, #stayfaithful, #godswillbedone, #faithjourney, #godsprovision, #miracleshappen, #spiritled, #growththroughwaiting, #hearinggodsvoice, #seasonofchange, #believeandreceive, #godisfaithful