Gospel Piano Harmony & Theory in D Major

Gospel Piano Harmony & Theory in D Major

Today we are breaking down everything you need to know to play in D Major! Everything from foundational chords and scales in D Major to churchy walk-ups and passing progressions. We will look at ways to get comfortable with playing in the key of D Major as well as how you can use unconventional & "out" chords. Let's dive into it! Download my FREE Ebook: 'Gospel Piano Playbook' To Secret Passing Chords, Runs & Licks of Legendary Pianists: https://www.thegiftedhandsmusic.com/g... Watch my FREE Gospel Keys Masterclass and Learn How to 10x Your Ability to Play, Hear, and Understand Gospel Keys in the Next 90 Days (Even if you're struggling right now!): https://www.thegiftedhandsmusic.com/f... Connect with us on Instagram:   / giftedhands_music   Watch my FREE Neo Soul Essentials Workshop to learn how artist like Robert Glasper, Moonchild and others create that Neo Soul sound on 🎹 : https://www.thegiftedhandsmusic.com/n...