The SHOCKING TRUTH About The DISAPPEARANCE of NeanderthalsđŸ˜±

The SHOCKING TRUTH About The DISAPPEARANCE of NeanderthalsđŸ˜±

Forty thousand years ago, Europe was home to two kinds of humans. One was us—Homo sapiens. The other? A tough, adaptable species called Neanderthals, whose brains were slightly larger than ours and whose tools and art rivaled anything early humans created. For millennia, these two species lived side by side, shared landscapes, and even shared genes. Then, suddenly, the Neanderthals were gone. Chapters: 00:00 The Disappearance of Neanderthals 01:13 Neanderthals and Early Homo Sapiens: A Shared World 02:50 The Genetic Legacy of Neanderthals 04:45 Environmental and Population Challenges 06:20 Competition and Cultural Supremacy 07:40 The Gradual Extinction of Neanderthals 08:40 Lessons from Neanderthal Extinction 09:14 Conclusion