Vocabulary words from V | Part 2 in Indian Sign Language ISL  By PHIN Deaf

Vocabulary words from V | Part 2 in Indian Sign Language ISL By PHIN Deaf

We are promoting ISL - Indian Sign Language and also making awareness about Sign Language to everyone. PHIN is registered non-voluntary Organization working for Hearing Impaired People. PHIN have Residential School for Deaf Orphan children in Hyderabad. Please Visit PHIN Deaf School https://goo.gl/maps/yfTCzES5AXvRCKbB9 #ishnews #mbm #ish ##deaf #deafcommunity #deaflearn #deafnewstoday #deafsignlanguage #isl #indiansignlanguage #indiasignlanguage #deafgroup #deafpeople #learnsignlanguage #phindeaf #vicechancellor #volcano #vcp #varanasi #videocamera #videogames #vietnam #violet #village #vinayakachaturthi