he is forced to text me

he is forced to text me

1 layer sped up 250x affirmations: He can't resist texting me. He is texting me right this second. He feels compelled to speak to me right now. He can't keep himself from messaging me. He has to speak to me right now or he feels like he will explode. He wants me so bad. He wants to reach out to me so bad. I just received a text from him. He can't leave me alone. He won't stop contacting me. He texts me a million times every second. He is forced to speak to me. He keeps texting me. My phone is blowing up with his text messages. He is constantly reaching out now. He feels drawn to message me. He knows he has to talk to me right this second. He just reached out. He keeps in contact all day. He is obsessively reaching out to me. He feels compelled to text me. He gets so happy when he talks to me. He is done running from his feelings. He is done running from his feelings. He is done running from his feelings. He is obsessed with calling me. He feels overwhelmed with urges to reach out to me. He feels overwhelmed with urges to reach out to me. He feels overwhelmed with urges to reach out to me. He is texting me. He is texting me. He is writing me a text right now. He is writing me a text right now. He just hit send. He just hit send. He just sent me a message. He just sent me a message. He just sent me a message. I have so many missed messages from him. I have so many missed messages from him. I have so many missed messages from him. He has to reach out now. He has no choice but to reach out now. He has no choice but to reach out. He can't hold back anymore. He can't keep his feelings hidden anymore. He is forced to contact me right this second. He is forced to contact me right this second. He has an urge to reach out right this second. He has an urge to reach out right this second.