Gruppe Sechs Gear Part 1 and 2 💠Casino Heist Prep | GTA Online
For The Big Con approach, at least one type of disguises must be obtained, the others then being optional if the leader desires to have multiple choices when choosing an entry tactic. If we're going in as a Gruppe Sechs team, we'll need an armored car to begin with... I know they do regular runs to The Diamond, but... nah, that would draw way too much attention. Here, uh... give me a second. Excellent, there's a standard Stockade under repair at an auto shop. They might not even notice it's missing. The old Gruppe Sechs con... why do I love saying that? Well, if you're keeping count, we still need outfits, security passes and the plate of an armored car, which is on the casino's roster. I've got the location of where Gruppe Sechs store their trucks. Get over there and snap an image of the right plate, so we can copy it. Gruppe Sechs Gear Part 1 – A damaged Stockade must be stolen from an auto repair shop so it can be used for the heist. Gruppe Sechs Gear Part 2 – The player must infiltrate a security meeting and send an image of a Stockade's licence plate to Lester, as well as steal Gruppe Sechs outfits for use during the heist. Gruppe Sechs Gear Part 1 : is a prep mission featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the The Diamond Casino Heist. It is a freeroam mission needed to progress The Diamond Casino Heist. Completing this setup and its second part, Gruppe Sechs Gear Part 2, allows players to use the Gruppe Sechs entrance disguise in the The Big Con Approach. Lester informs the player that they need to steal a Stockade to begin the process of impersonating a Gruppe Sechs team. After a couple of seconds, He gives players a location of a Stockade under repair at an auto shop, which can be at Los Santos Customs in Paleto Bay, Auto Re-Perez in Strawberry or an auto repair shop in Harmony (behind the Harmony Truck Stop). Once there, the player finds that the Stockade is locked and must find the mechanic that has the keys. However, the moment the player discovers this, they are attacked by the mechanics in the area. After killing the mechanic with the keys and losing their three-star wanted level, the player can deliver the Stockade to their Arcade, completing the mission. Gruppe Sechs Gear Part 2 : is a prep mission featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the The Diamond Casino Heist. It is a freeroam mission needed to progress The Diamond Casino Heist. The player must have completed Gruppe Sechs Gear Part 1 in order to play this mission. Completing this mission allows players to use the Gruppe Sechs entrance disguise in the The Big Con Approach. Lester informs the player that they still need outfits, security passes, and fake plates for their Stockade, so they have to go to a Stockade storage area to take a picture of a specific Stockade with black livery. This can be at either at Murrieta Heights under the overpasses or in the tunnel at Ginger Street in Little Seoul. Once there, however, the player will discover that Thornton Duggan's security team are around the area, requiring them to sneak around and not get caught taking the picture. If they do get caught, all security workers in the area become hostile, requiring the player to fight them off, giving them a two-star wanted level. Regardless of their approach, the guards will be alerted as soon as an image of the plate is sent to Lester. The player then has to pick up the Gruppe Sechs outfits from the identified Stockade. After losing their wanted level and delivering both outfits, the mission is complete. #GrannyTheftAuto has passed a Billion and is now a Billionairess, she has no need to retire at the moment... Subscribe to follow her for all about pension funds... Like and subscribe to keep me motivated to make more content. Beer is expensive where I live (about 10 USD/€ a unit out on cheap place in town): https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_... Or you can just buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/GrannyTh...