THIS DREAM Is How God Reveals Your Enemies

THIS DREAM Is How God Reveals Your Enemies

This one dream shows how God reveals your enemies. You cannot pray right if you don’t know what you are praying against. These are household enemies or household witches. It’s important to know how to deal with household enemies if you are to win this battle. Household wickedness is everywhere. Keep your eyes open. Go deep! Join the PRAYING WOMAN blueprint program: If you feel led to give a financially to this ministry: Recommended video: DoThis Between 3AM & 5AM If facing a difficult issue:    • 15 Prophetic Dream Symbols  | Your Fi...   Get PRAYER PRESCRIPTIONS free ebook here: SUBSCRIBE to my Channel for more videos on spiritual warfare, prophetic word, fasting, and more..►    / @agnesmumbi   INSTAGRAM:   / agnessmumbim   Join me on FACEBOOK:   / prayingwomenwin