Daily Catholic Mass Readings February 24, 2025
DAILY ROMAN CATHOLIC READINGS AND SPIRITUAL REFLECTIONS Monday, 24th February 2025 ------------------------------------------------ MONDAY, SEVENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Sir 1: 1-10 Ps 93: 1-2, 5 Mk 9: 14-29 ------------------------------------------------ THE GIFT OF WISDOM We can often mistake knowledge for wisdom. We may have acquired a lot of knowledge about various things through hard work and diligent study. But it need not necessarily make us wise. God alone is the origin of all wisdom. The truly wise One created all wisdom and gives it to those who love Him. Wisdom imparts “fear of the Lord”; that is, the respect, gratitude and reverent behaviour that are owed to the Creator of all wisdom. Knowledge sometimes puffs up and is sometimes harmful. Whereas wisdom is humility which promotes love and growth. St. Teresa of Avila, though not formally educated, was a woman of profound wisdom, her works and writings inspired by the Holy Spirit. Alongside her, St. Edith Stein – an accomplished philosopher and intellectual – embodied humility and grace, reflecting the wisdom that comes from God. Both saints made significant contributions to the growth of the Church and the Kingdom of God, demonstrating that true wisdom transcends formal learning and is rooted in a deep, personal connection with the divine. God’s eyes are turned to a person of humble and contrite spirit who trembles at His word. Circumstances in life determine how much knowledge an individual can acquire. But for wisdom, there is no limit since it comes from God. One needs only a humble and open disposition towards God. In the Gospel, we see the father of a boy telling Jesus, “If you can do anything, have pity on us and help us.” Jesus retorted, “If you can?” Here the question is not whether Jesus can cure the boy, but whether his father has faith in the power of God. Understanding this, the father broke down in tears and asked Jesus to help his wavering faith. It was when he humbled himself that wisdom entered his heart, and he could see that Jesus was much more than a miracle worker; he was the Son of God! True love for his boy made him humble. Hence, he received not only a cure for his son but also for his soul. Response: The Lord is king, with majesty enrobed.