Mexican Moms Try Puerto Rican Snacks!
We asked our Mexican moms to try snacks from Puerto Rico for the first time! 🇵🇷❤️ Would you try these tasty snacks from Puerto Rico? 😋 We asked our Mexican mamás to try different Puerto Rican snacks for the first time! They tried many different snacks like Filler Platanutres, pilones, marrallo, Florecitas cookies, bocaditos de mango, bocaditos de ajonjoli, Malta India and more! Our moms had never tried Puerto Rican snacks so will they like the flavors of these snacks? If you could try any of these Puerto Rico snacks, which would you try? What foods should the moms try next? Let us know in the comments! 💖😁 Follow Us on Socials 😁💖 ❤️TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mamahvideos?l... 🤎IG - / mamah_videos 💙Twitter - / mamah_videos Filmed and Produced by The Crazy Gorilla