Particle Accelerators | Class 11 Physics NBF | Chapter 14: Particle Physics | National Book Foundati
Playlist 👇 UNIT 14 | Class 11 Physics | PARTICLE PHYSICS | By National Book Foundation https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... --------------- Particle Accelerators Simple Explained | Class 11 Physics | Chapter 14 | Particle Physics | National Book Foundation 2024 --------------- In this lecture, we explore Particle Accelerators, the devices used to accelerate particles to study behaviour of particles and propertise of particle. This topic, Particle accelerators class 11 physics by national book foundation covers imoprtant topic for exams held under ajk mirpur board, as part of Chapter 14: Particle Physics from the Class 11 Physics textbook by the National Book Foundation (NBF), 2024 edition. --------------- Topics Covered: ✓ What are Particle Accelerators? ✓ What is Linear accelerator or what is LINAC? ✓ What is circular accelerator? ✓ synchrotron accelerators? ✓ Cyclotron accelerators? ✓ SLAC - STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR ✓ RHIC - Relativistic heavy ion collider ✓ Uses of Linear accelerator ✓ Uses if synchrotron accelerator ✓ Uses of Cyclortron accelerator ✓ Real-world applications and implications of particle accelerator in physics ---------------- This video is specially designed for Federal Board and AJK Board students, providing easy-to-understand explanations and visual representations of complex concepts. --------------- #particleaccelerator #Linear_accelerator #circular_accelerator #synchrotron_accelerator #cyclotron_accelerators #LINAC #SLAC #RHIC #USES_OF_PARRICLE_ACCELERATOR #ParticlePhysics #Class11Physics #PhysicsLectures #StandardModel #NationalBookFoundation #NBF2024 #FederalBoard #AJKBoard #chapter14 #aliliaqatphysics ---------------- Like, share, and subscribe for more in-depth lectures on Class 11 Physics! ---------------- Chapters in the video 0:00-01:01 Introduction 01:01-3:33 Accelerator BASICS 3:33-11:54 LINAC 11:54-16:40 Synchrotron Acc. 16:40-22:08 Cyclotron Acc. 22:08-25:45 Uses 25:45-26:42 Outro