Worship Live Stream 11/22/2020
Sunday Order of Worship: https://files.constantcontact.com/8e8... Join Memorial United Methodist Church in Greenfield for Sunday morning worship! Live streaming begins at 10 a.m. Are you a member or a first-time visitor? Please tell us more about yourself through our online Worship Register! http://www.memorialchurchumc.org/wors.... More information about our Invest In Our Future stewardship campaign: https://www.memorialchurchumc.org/inv... Be sure to subscribe to our channel so you do not miss future worship services. It is also the easiest way to find new content on our channel. If you've benefited from our online ministry and would like to support our ministry with a financial gift, you can do so at: http://www.memorialchurchumc.org/supp... If you would like to send your gift by mail, make your checks out to "Memorial United Methodist Church," and send it to: Memorial United Methodist Church 3450 S 52nd Street Greenfield, WI 53219. Questions? Comments? Send us an email at [email protected]