Easy border rangoli design 🌺side borders 🌺 door rangoli 🌺 apartment rangoli

Easy border rangoli design 🌺side borders 🌺 door rangoli 🌺 apartment rangoli

apartment rangoli . . #sideborders #borderrangoliwithcolours #bordermuggulu #doorborderrangoli #gadapamuggulu #chinnirangoliworld #indiantraditionmuggulu #newborderrangoli #latestborderrangolidesigns #trendingrangoli #latestrangolidesigneswithdots #sikkukolammuggulu #sideborderkolam #melikalamugguluwithborders #indianartkolam Rangoli is an art form that originates from the Indian subcontinent, in which patterns are created on the floor or a tabletop using materials such as powdered limestone, red ochre, dry rice flour, coloured sand, quartz powder, flower petals, and coloured rocks. Rangoli is a traditional Indian folk art form that involves creating colorful patterns on the floor using various materials. Rangoli designs are created using the thumb and forefinger. It is drawn to welcome guests and different Gods and Goddesses and to bring joy into homes. Rangoli is often made during festivals and pooja seasons. Rangoli is thought to bring good luck and prosperity to the home. Rangoli is a multi-coloured floor decoration that symbolises wealth, joy, and prosperity, as well as thanksgiving to deities. Rangoli originated in Indian subcontinent and it is mainly made on festivals such as Diwali, Onam, Pongal and on other Hindu festivals.Rangoli is not just an art form of creating patterns on floor but, also is like a tradition which is followed through generations.