25th Sunday After Pentecost 11-14-2021
Join us for worship in person or by watching virtually! Thank you to our worship leaders for your service! Presiding: Pastor Erik Christensen Preaching: Kai Lawrence Organist: Christine Collins Livestream: Taína Rodríguez Encarnación, Felipe Encarnación Rodríguez Assisting Minister: Peg Haar Lector: Victor Encarnación Rodríguez Cantor: Sally Schleker Altar Care: Carolyn Utech, Felipe Encarnación Rodríguez Ushers: Dorothy Nagelbach, Bob Shoaf Bread: Anne Laurence Flowers: Nancy VanBrundt Godly Play: Liz Laughlin Permission to reprint and stream the music in this service obtained from CCLI (lic. #2298584) & OneLicense (lic. #A-714237). All rights reserved