The Gospel of Mary - A Lost Gnostic Text?

The Gospel of Mary - A Lost Gnostic Text?

We celebrate Easter by looking at one of the most interesting non-canonical texts from the early development of Christianity. Support Let's Talk Religion on Patreon:   / letstalkreligion   Or through a one-time donation: Also check out the Let's Talk Religion Podcast: Music by Filip Holm Most of my music can be found here: Filip Holm: Zini: Sources/Suggested Reading: Asgeirsson, Jon (2005). "Thomasine Traditions in Antiquity The Social and Cultural World of the Gospel of Thomas". Brill. Brakke, David (2012). "Gnostics: Myth, Ritual, and Diversity in Early Christianity". Harvard University Press. Brock, Ann Graham (2003). Mary Magdalene, The First Apostle: The Struggle for Authority". Harvard Divinity School. de Boer, Esther A. (2005). "The Gospel of Mary: Listening to the Beloved Disciple". Continuum. King, Karen L. (2003). "What is Gnosticism?". Harvard University Press. King, Karen L. (2003). "The Gospel of Mary of Magdala: Jesus and the first woman apostle". Polebridge Press. Tuckett, Christopher (2019). "The Gospel of Mary". Oxford University Press. Van den Broek, Roelof (2013). "Gnostic Religion in Antiquity". Cambridge University Press. Meyer, Marvin (ed.) (2009). "The Nag Hammadi Scriptures: The Revised and Updated Translation of Sacred Gnostic Texts Complete in One Volume ". HarperOne. #marymagdalene #gnosticism #christianity