Bible Study: Feb 17 2023 | Read the Bible to Me
Daily Bible Study: Read to you from the ESV: English Standard Version of the Bible Psalm 120 Deliver Me, O Lord Exodus 7 Moses and Aaron Before Pharaoh The First Plague: Water Turned To Blood 1 Corinthians 2 Proclaiming Christ Crucified Wisdom from the Spirit Join me in a daily bible study, simply listen along while I read the Bible to you. I read each chapter verse by verse, and occasionally give a quick explanation or definition of a word or phrase, or if something stands out, I might share what it means to me. It usually takes less than 15 minutes a day. I've added a music playlist to my channel of some songs that have been encouraging for me lately. Thanks for joining me! Don’t forget to like and subscribe so that join in on the daily bible study! If you need prayer, encouragement feel free to get in touch! [email protected]