Suffering and Joy │ Hebrews 12:2 | Pastor Jim Cymbala | The Brooklyn Tabernacle

Suffering and Joy │ Hebrews 12:2 | Pastor Jim Cymbala | The Brooklyn Tabernacle

Jesus suffered. So will we. But Jesus knew how to handle the pain He endured: He looked ahead to the joy before Him. He knew that His suffering would end—and that the reward would be worth it. No matter what we suffer in Christ—hardship, disappointment, temptation, onslaughts of Satan—let’s fix our eyes on Jesus. He rejoiced. So can we. It will be worth it all. Subscribe to our YouTube channel:    / @thebrooklyntabernacle   Stay Connected:   / thebrooklyntabernacle     / jimcymbala     / thebrooklyntabernacle   Give: Request prayer: #BrooklynTabernacle #JimCymbala #BrooklynTab