In this action-packed video, we unveil the secrets to finding ALL ELITE HUNTER LOCATIONS in the game, guiding you on an epic journey to obtain the legendary YAMA Sword! Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting your adventure, our step-by-step guide will lead you through the hidden paths and challenges that await you. Watch as we unravel the mysteries of these elusive hunters and showcase the techniques to defeat them with ease. Don't miss out on this ultimate quest for the YAMA Sword – join us now and arm yourself with the knowledge to conquer the most powerful weapon in the game! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 👍SOCIAL LINKS👍 MY ROBLOX PROFILE: MY ROBLOX CLOTHING GROUP: MY DISCORD SERVER:   / discord   keywords for easier search: Elite hunter locations All elite hunters Elite hunters YAMA Sword YAMA Sword How to get YAMA Sword YAMA Sword location Elite hunter guide Elite hunter strategy YAMA Sword guide YAMA Sword strategy Game elite hunter locations Elite hunter tips YAMA Sword tips Elite hunter quest YAMA Sword quest Elite hunters walkthrough YAMA Sword walkthrough Elite hunter challenges YAMA Sword challenges Game elite hunter tips Game YAMA Sword tips Elite hunter secret locations YAMA Sword secret location Elite hunter power-up YAMA Sword power-up Elite hunter reward YAMA Sword reward Elite hunter hidden path YAMA Sword hidden path Elite hunter defeating YAMA Sword defeating Elite hunter battles YAMA Sword battles Game elite hunter strategy Game YAMA Sword strategy Game elite hunter walkthrough Game YAMA Sword walkthrough Elite hunter quest guide YAMA Sword quest guide Elite hunter mystery YAMA Sword mystery Elite hunter YAMA Sword unlock YAMA Sword unlock Elite hunter game secrets YAMA Sword game secrets Elite hunter game tips and tricks YAMA Sword game tips and tricks Game elite hunter challenges Game YAMA Sword challenges How to find elite hunters How to obtain YAMA Sword Elite hunter defeating guide YAMA Sword defeating guide Elite hunter battles guide YAMA Sword battles guide Game elite hunter secret locations Game YAMA Sword secret location Elite hunter power-up guide YAMA Sword power-up guide Elite hunter reward guide YAMA Sword reward guide Game elite hunter hidden path Game YAMA Sword hidden path How to defeat elite hunters How to get the YAMA Sword in the game Game elite hunter defeating guide Game YAMA Sword defeating guide Game elite hunter battles guide Game YAMA Sword battles guide Elite hunter game mysteries YAMA Sword game mysteries Elite hunter game unlocking YAMA Sword Game YAMA Sword unlock How to find all elite hunter locations Elite hunter locations guide YAMA Sword location guide Elite hunter and YAMA Sword tips Elite hunter and YAMA Sword strategies bloxfruits roblox bloxfruits roblox roblox bloxfruits bloxfruit roblox bloxfruit TAGS:(IGNORE) #EliteHunters #YAMASword #RobloxGameplay #GamingGuide #RobloxGamer #GameSecrets #GameStrategy #GamingTips #GamingWalkthrough #RobloxEliteHunters #RobloxYAMASword #EliteHunterLocations #YAMASwordLocation #RobloxQuest #RobloxChallenges #RobloxReward #RobloxMystery #RobloxUnlockables #RobloxHiddenPaths #RobloxPowerUps #RobloxBattles #RobloxDefeating #RobloxGameSecrets #RobloxTipsAndTricks #RobloxGameMysteries #RobloxQuestGuide #RobloxGameplayStrategy #RobloxWalkthrough #RobloxGameBattles #RobloxGameUnlockables #RobloxPowerUpsGuide #RobloxGameReward #RobloxHiddenPathGuide #RobloxDefeatingGuide #RobloxGameBattlesGuide #RobloxGameMysteriesGuide #RobloxGameSecretsGuide #RobloxGameTips #RobloxGameWalkthrough #RobloxGameStrategy #RobloxGameMystery #RobloxGameUnlock #RobloxGameQuest #RobloxGameChallenges #RobloxGameRewardGuide #RobloxGameHiddenPaths #RobloxGamePowerUps #RobloxGameDefeating #RobloxGameBattlesGuide #RobloxGameMysteriesGuide #RobloxGameUnlockGuide #RobloxEliteHuntersGuide #RobloxYAMASwordGuide #RobloxGamingAdventure #RobloxGameplayAdventure #RobloxGameplaySecrets #RobloxGameplayTips #RobloxGameplayStrategies #RobloxGameplayMystery #RobloxGameplayUnlockables #RobloxGameplayQuest #RobloxGameplayChallenges #RobloxGameplayReward #RobloxGameplayHiddenPaths #RobloxGameplayPowerUps #RobloxGameplayDefeating #RobloxGameplayBattles #RobloxGameplayMysteries #RobloxGameplayUnlock #RobloxGameplayGuide TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 intro 0:15 Port Town (1 Location) 0:25 Great Tree (2 Locations) 0:40 Hydra Island (4 Locations) 1:20 Floating Turtle (6 Locations I think) 2:19 Outro