God Of War Ragnarok - Part 18 - Ps4 Pro - No Commentary
---------------------------------------------- God Of War Ragnarok on Ps4 Pro LG - 55" OLED 4K ---------------------------------------------- Please Like and Subscribe! ---------------------------------------------- Donations - https://cash.app/$TerryLaVey1984 https://paypal.me/AnatomyOfAnArtist?c... KoFi Tips - https://ko-fi.com/terrylavey ---------------------------------------------- -- SOCIAL MEDIA -- ---------------------------------------------- 2nd Youtube Channel - / @terrylaveybyrd Minecraft Youtube Channel - / @laveybelmontminecraft Instagram - / terrylavey1984 Facebook - / thevampyregamyr ---------------------------------------------- -- Chapters -- ---------------------------------------------- 0:00 Eastern Berri Woods 0:55 Skoll and Hati 4:40 The Abandoned Village 10:33 Pursue the Einherjar Thief 14:00 Wyvern Fight 15:32 The Moon 18:24 Skoll and Hati (story) 21:55 Odin's Raven 23:44 Double Dreki Fight 29:38 Freyr's Camp 30:20 Upgrading Gear 35:23 Yggdrasil's Dew of Cooldown 45:42 Celestial Altar 52:00 Blatonn Fight 55:23 The Northern Wilds 56:00 Celestial Altar 57:00 Gulltoppr Fight (story) 59:45 Heimdall Fight 1:14:00 The Northern Wilds 1:15:09 Rejoin Fight (story) 1:26:10 Upgrading Gear 1:33:20 Scent of Survival 1:36:43 Celestial Altar 1:38:33 The Crater 1:39:28 For Vanaheim 1:41:13 In Plain Sight 1:50:00 Egil The Oath Guard Fight 1:53:25 Odin's Raven 1:55:50 The Lost Lindwyrms 1:57:13 Lore Marker 1:57:47 Niflheim 1:58:57 The Raven Tree 2:00:00 Upgrading Gear 2:04:10 Sparring Arena - Draugr Training 2:13:40 Helheim 2:16:26 Nine Realms in Bloom 2:19:27 Vanaheim - Eastern Plains 2:26:04 Nornir Chest 2:30:14 Casualty of War - The Brooch 2:32:17 Celestial Altar 2:33:00 Nocturnal Predator 2:34:49 Flame Phantom Fight