Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity | May 26, 2024 | 6:00 AM Mass
[LIVE] Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity | May 26, 2024 | 6:00 AM Mass The Blessed Trinity, Source of Our Life and Our Joy The Blessed Trinity is the loftiest and most fundamental mystery of our faith. We believe in one God who is a “family of persons” bound together by the most perfect love: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We profess our faith in the Blessed Trinity when we recite the Creed, pray the “Glory be,” and make the Sign of the Cross. But our best profession of faith should be the way we live. Indeed, all our life should be a response of love to the God who is our FATHER, BROTHER, and FRIEND. Our concentration on the three Divine Persons does not divert our attention from our neighbor. It actually grounds our love for all our brothers and sisters, for each human being is a reflection of the Blessed Trinity. In this Eucharist, let us ask for the grace to live out this wonderful truth. To support the evangelization, please Subscribe to our YouTube Channels: Couples for Christ Negros Oriental: / @couplesforchristnegrosorie2213 padrejunlemz: / @padrejunlemz You may also send your love offering through: Metrobank - Dumaguete Real Branch Account Name: Roman Catholic Bishop of Dumaguete Account Number: 443-7443-90970-9 | Swift Code: MBTCPHMM GCash Transaction — 09174317088 Please send a copy of the deposit slip or transaction to [email protected] for your official receipt. Any music used for this live streaming is for religious purposes only and no intended copyright infringement. #SaintJosepthTheWorkerParish #CommissionOnSocialCommunications #padrejunlemz #CFCNegrosOriental #DioceseofDumaguete #GiftedtoGive #500YOC #MissioAdGentes