Chia seeds & Sabja seeds different ?
Do you also think that chia seeds and sabja seeds are same? But, they are actually different! Both seeds have different nutritional benefits, appearance, color and taste. Taste: -Chia has no taste of its own, thus adapts to any dish, while sabja has the mild flavour of basil. How to consume ? Soak in water for Basil/Sabja Seeds: 10-15 mins Chia Seeds: 30-40 mins Here are the health benefits of both the seeds: Chia seeds: ▪️ It is good source of omega 3s and protein. ▪️ It promotes energy and endurance. ▪️ It helps in digestion as it is rich in fibre. ▪️It helps to stabalize blood sugar levels ▪️ It is also recommended for weight loss as it has ability to make you feel fuller. Sabja/Basil seeds: ▪️ It has soothing effect on the stomach ▪️It is good source of vitamins and Iron. ▪️ It helps to cleanse the blood. ▪️ It is useful to combat acidity. #chiaseeds #basilseeds #different #chiaseedsbenefits #basilseedsbenefits #instareels #instagram #healthydiet #healthbenefits #goodforhealth