RBCs Morphology| Lecture -3| Hematology| Abnormal RBCs Morphology| Urdu/Hindi #rbc #hematology
Welcome to our channel, in this video lecture we will discuss Red Blood Cell (RBC) morphology? In this illuminating lecture video, Mr. Adil bid discussed deep into the diverse shapes (Poikilocytosis),abnormal-shaped red blood cells in the blood, and characteristics of these crucial blood components. This lecture also explain Anemia its classification (microcytic, normocytic and macrocytic) and pathophysiology. Related Lecture: RBCs morphology Lecture 1: • RBCs Morphology| Lecture -1| Hematolo... Thanks. RBCs Morphology Lecture 2 (Anemia Classification: • RBCs Morphology| Lecture -2| Hematolo... Subscribe our channel and click the bell icon for more video.