Surviving 24 Hours in the Desert! Extreme Overnight Challenge!

Surviving 24 Hours in the Desert! Extreme Overnight Challenge!

Surviving 24 Hours in the Desert! Extreme Overnight Challenge! We did the MrBeast survival challenge to survive 24 hours in the desert! We hid a treasure chest in the sand and left coordinates in the video to find it. Whoever finds the treasure chest will win an AMAZING prize! Watch the whole video to get all the clues you can for where to get the awesome treasure! Thanks to Mr Beast for inspiring this video. Watch ‪@MrBeast‬ video Surviving 24 Hours Straight in the Desert here:    • Surviving 24 Hours Straight In A Desert   Also watch our favorite Airrack ‪@airrack‬ video, You Scream, You Lose: IRL here:    • You Scream, You Lose: IRL   Ryan Trahan’s ‪@ryan‬ last video was hilarious, Inviting 100 Celebrities to My Birthday    • I Invited 100 Celebrities To My Birthday   Ben Azelart ‪@BenAzelart‬ made this cool survival vid: Living 24 hours in a Floating House:    • Living 24 Hours In A Floating House!   Watch our friend, Jordan Matter ‪@jordanmatter‬ in this crazy vid: Kids Vs Adults Extreme Gymnastics & Cheer Challenge:    • KID vs ADULTS Extreme Gymnastics & Ch...   Fun Squad Merch: Our Awesome Fun Squad YouTube Channels: The Fun Squad:    / kidsfuntvepic   Jazzy Skye:    / jazzyskye   Jack Skye:    / jackskyeofficial   Kade Skye:    / kadeskye   Website: Fun Squad social media: Instagram:   / funsquad_official   Business email: [email protected] Fan email: [email protected]