Worship for the 8th Sunday after Pentecost
Church of the Redeemer, Kenmore, Washington, worship. We welcome you to this service from Church of the Redeemer. To find out more about our parish, visit the following: Website: https://redeemer-kenmore.org Facebook: / redeemerkenmore Twitch: / redeemerstreaming Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/redeeme... Instagram: / redeemerkenmore You can help Church of the Redeemer continue to pray, live, and work in the midst of God's people by making an online donation: https://redeemer-kenmore.org/home-2/g... Email address for the Rev. Jed Fox: [email protected] We hope to see you in person sometime. Music copyright information for July 18, 2021. Streamed under OneLicense.net #A-713521, all rights reserved: Scherzo on Mit Freuden Zart. Music by John Ferguson, ©1997 Augsburg Fortress Publishers. How pleasant it is to honor God with praise (Psalm 123). Music from the Plainsong Psalter, ©1988 Church Publishing. Sursum Corda. Music © 1985 Church Publishing, Inc. "Heal me, hands of Jesus." Words by Michael Perry, ©1982 The Jubilate Group . Music by Carl Haywood, ©1997 Church Publishing, Inc. All other lyrics and music are in the public domain. Today’s musician is Sheila Bristow, organist and cantor.