How to calculate fertile days, ovulation date / safe period to avoid Pregnancy

How to calculate fertile days, ovulation date / safe period to avoid Pregnancy

How to calculate fertile days , ovulation date togetpregnant/ safe period to avoid Pregnancy Calendar method to avoid Pregnancy, how to calculate safe days to avoid Pregnancy, safe period to prevent pregnancy Fertile days are those days a woman can easily get pregnant after unprotected sexual intercourse. Ovulation is the release of a matured egg from the ovary which happens once every month depending on a woman menstrual cycle. Safe days/ period are those days when a woman is unlikely to get pregnant after unprotected intercourse. #safeperiod #fertility #menstrualcycle #fertiledays #periodcycle #ovulationtips #pregnancy #ovulationcalculator #ovulation #howtoavoidpregnancy #safedays #fertilization #ivf #preventpregnancy #ttc #pregnant #pregnancytips #avoidpregnancy #fertiledayscalculator #getpregnant #getpregnantfast