Worship for July 18, 2021, the 8th Sunday after Pentecost.

Worship for July 18, 2021, the 8th Sunday after Pentecost.

Good morning and welcome to our Live-Stream Service of the Holy Eucharist for July 18th. If you are in the Hudson area you are welcome to come for Communion after the service at St James Church at around noon. I would like to extend a particular welcome to all visitors both known and unknown… both intentional and those who have found us by accident or providence. You can find handouts for the service on our website: https://www.parishofvaudreuil.com We will continue to meet after the service on Zoom at approximately noon with the same link https://zoom.us/j/194690109​​​​​​​ You can also call 438 809 7799 and use the following Meeting ID: 194 690 109 We would love to see you and get to know you a bit more. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A​​​​​​​-726986. All rights reserved.