work and economics life(lecture-2) GS- Indian Society Paper -2 BY SUMIT SIR

work and economics life(lecture-2) GS- Indian Society Paper -2 BY SUMIT SIR

#complete_upsc_courses #INDIAN_SOCIOLOGY_FOR_UPSC #sociologyoptional #complete_upsc_courses #INDIAN_SOCIOLOGY_FOR_UPSC #sociologyoptional #complete_upsc_courses #INDIAN_SOCIOLOGY_FOR_UPSC #sociologyoptional #complete_upsc_courses #INDIAN_SOCIOLOGY_FOR_UPSC #sociologyoptional #complete_upsc_courses #INDIAN_SOCIOLOGY_FOR_UPSC #sociologyoptional #populationandpoverty #complete_upsc_courses #INDIAN_SOCIOLOGY_FOR_UPSC #sociologyoptional #complete_upsc_courses #INDIAN_SOCIOLOGY_FOR_UPSC #sociologyoptional #urbanisation #overpopulation TOPIC: WORK AND ECONOMICS LIFE test series lecture : • Test series for upsc state psc In this lecture, we will discuss about the INDIAN SOCIETY WHICH IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE OPTIONAL PAPER-2. We will discuss about the Population Dynamics in which we will understand about the POPULATION CENSUS,CONCEPT ABOUT THE POPULATION SIZE, GROWTH,COMPOSITION AND DISTRIBUTION. We will also try to understand the difference between BIRTH RATE, DEATH RATE,MIGRATION AND ITS TYPES. In the end we will discuss about the books and approach required for sociology optional. Topic Highlights:- #complete_upsc_courses #INDIAN_SOCIOLOGY_FOR_UPSC #sociologyoptional #upscoptional SOCIOLOGY - INDIAN SOCIOLOGY Sociology for UPSC: INDIAN SOCIOLOGY FOR UPSC Sociological Thinker: INDIAN SOCIOLOGY FOR UPSC #complete_upsc_courses , #upscoptional , #AMERICAN-SOCIOLOGIST #upscexam , #indiansociety , #sociology , #sociologyoptional ,#sociologia , #upsc ,#upscoptional , #civilservicesexam , #lbasna #ias, #ips , #karlmarx , #ramasharma , #RAMASHARMASOCIOLOGY #sociologyoptional #socialaction #socialscience Sociology Optional Syllabus For UPSC:- Sociology Optional, as it is commonly known, is one subject for which a huge amount of study material is available. The syllabus consists of topics related to Society and their related theories by Sociological Thinkers etc. These topics are also part of the General Studies syllabus covering big marks in the UPSC MAINS examination. Important News Analysis (INA) for UPSC, CSE, IAS & State PSC. Important News Analysis covers important news articles and editorial analysis from The Hindu Newspaper, Indian Express, PIB News, Down to Earth Magazine, and Yojana magazine in the required depth mainly for UPSC, CSE, IAS, CDS, NDA, APFC, EPFO, State PSC, RBI Grade B, CLAT Exams Preparation, SSC and General Studies for all competitive examinations. Video is for educational purpos only upsc ias syllabus, upsc syllabus, upsc online, upsc exam, upsc cse 2024, civil preparation, upsc preparation, upsc motivation, upsc online, upsc for beginners, crack ias, crack upsc, resources for upsc preparation, upsc online coaching in hindi medium, newspaper reading for upsc, upsc cse 2023, indian express, daily current affairs 2023, daily current affairs, the hindu analysis in hindi, ina analysis, upsc 2024, the hindu newspaper, Indian Express, pib news, down to earth magazine, yojana magazine, current affairs, world current affairs, current affairs world , news around world, important current affairs topics, most important current affairs, current affairs, world current affairs, upsc cse current affairs, current affairs topics, important topics for upsc, ias current affairs, upsc important topics, upsc exam related topics, important news for upsc, news for upsc, upsc related current affairs, ias related important topics, daily news analysis, editorial Discussion, editorial analysis. #upsc2024 #thehindu #thehinduanalysis #thehindutoday #thehindutodayanalysis #thehindueditoral #thehindunewstoday #thehindunewspaper #todaythehindu #dailycurrentaffairs #upsccurrrentaffairs2024#ImportantNewsAnalysis #ImportantNewsandAnalysis #currentaffairs #currentaffairs2024 #currentaffairstoday #currentaffairsquiz #breakingnews #todaycurrentaffairs #army #indian #generalknowledge #generalawareness #gk #staticgk #geography #history #mostimportantquestions #worldcurrentaffairs #currentaffairslive #currentnews #newslive #currentaffairsliveshow #allstatenews #ssc #sbi #rbi #viral #viralvideo #historyancient #indianexpress #indianexpress #pib #pibnew