GATE 2026-27 | ESE | Placement | Preparation Roadmap
Preparing for GATE 2026-27 and ESE exams while aiming for top placements requires a strategic roadmap. This guide covers everything you need to know, from building a solid foundation for GATE and ESE, to leveraging these exams for lucrative placement opportunities. Whether you're targeting PSU jobs, higher studies in premier institutes, or private sector roles, an effective preparation plan is key. Learn about the syllabus, resources, time management, and tips to stay ahead in this competitive journey. 📲 PW App/Website: https://physicswallah.onelink.me/ZAZB... 📚PW Store: Link:-https://physicswallah.onelink.me/ZAZB... 📕 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡/𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬: 📮 Shreshth ESE + GATE 2027 Batch D Civil - https://physicswallah.onelink.me/ZAZB... Electrical -https://physicswallah.onelink.me/ZAZB... Electronics - https://physicswallah.onelink.me/ZAZB... Mechanical - https://physicswallah.onelink.me/ZAZB... 📮 Parakram 2026 ESE + GATE + PSUs Batch B Electrical - https://physicswallah.onelink.me/ZAZB... Electronics - https://physicswallah.onelink.me/ZAZB... Civil - https://physicswallah.onelink.me/ZAZB... Mechanical & XE - https://physicswallah.onelink.me/ZAZB... 📮 Parakram GATE 2026 + PSUs + Placement Preparation Batch - B Computer Science & IT https://physicswallah.onelink.me/ZAZB... 📮 Shreshth GATE 2027 + PSUs + Placement Preparation Batch D - Computer Science & IT https://physicswallah.onelink.me/ZAZB... 📮 Shreshth GATE 2027 Batch B (Hinglish) Chemical - https://physicswallah.onelink.me/ZAZB... 📌 RECOMMENDED CHANNELS FOR YOU : 🌐 Physics Wallah-Alakh Pandey:- / @physicswallah 🌐 GATE Wallah:- / @gatewallahbypw 🌐 GATE Wallah EC, EE & CS:- / @gatewallah_ee_ec_cs 🌐 GATE Wallah ME, CE & XE:- / @gatewallah_me_ce_xe 🌐 GATE Wallah (English):- / @gatewallahenglish 🌐 Engineers Wallah:- AE/JE:- / @engineerswallah 🌐 PW IIT JAM & CSIR NET:- / @pwiitjamcsirnet 🌐 PW IELTS Prep: / @pwielts 🌐 Semester Exam Wallah / @semesterswallahbypw 📌 GATE Wallah SOCIAL MEDIA - ▶ Our Telegram Page: https://t.me/gatewallah_official ▶ Telegram Group for Electronics & Communication Engineering : https://t.me/GWElectroandcom ▶ Telegram Group for Mechanical Engineering: https://t.me/GATEWallahMechanicalengi... ▶ Telegram Group for Civil Engineering: https://t.me/GATEWallahCivilEngineering ▶ Telegram Group for Computer Science and Information Technology Engineering: https://t.me/Gwcomsciandinfo ▶ Telegram Group for Chemical Engineering: https://t.me/gatewallah_chemicalengin... ▶ Our Instagram Page: https://bit.ly/Insta_GATE 📌 PHYSICS WALLAH SOCIAL MEDIA - 🌐 Telegram: https://t.me/Physics_Wallah_Official_... 🌐 Instagram: / physicswallah 🌐 Facebook: / physicswallah 🌐 Twitter: / physics__wallah 🌐 LinkedIn: / physicswallah 🌐 Quora: https://pwofficial.quora.com 📌 For any Queries or Complaints Visit: https://bit.ly/PW_Queries OR give a Missed Call on:- 08069458181 #gate2026 #ese2026 #gate2027 #gatepreparation #eseexam #engineeringplacements #gate2026strategy #ese2026strategy #GATEWallah #PhysicsWallah