Epic Out Of Body Experience | Astral Projection Sleep Music | Explore The Astral Planes & Realms

Epic Out Of Body Experience | Astral Projection Sleep Music | Explore The Astral Planes & Realms

Dark Night Music presents deep lucid dreaming music with hypnotic brainwaves for easy dream control. 🧲 Manifest Anything You Want Into Your Life ➜ https://bit.ly/3AElauf 🌌 Best Lucid Dreaming Program To Learn How To Control Your Dreams And Experience The Impossible ➜ https://bit.ly/36j19LH ► Binaural beats are claimed to induce the same mental state associated with a meditation practice, but much more quickly. In effect, binaural beats are said to: 1.Reduce anxiety 2. Increase focus and concentration 3. Lower stress 4. Increase relaxation 5. Foster positive moods 6. Promote creativity 7. Help manage pain Our Major music genres are: ■ Deep Sleep Music, Sleep Meditation, Stress Free Sleep Our music are usually composed on soft instruments and creates vibes which can relax your mind and body. We give special treatment to binaural (delta and theta waves) beats inside our soothing music which hits your brainwaves to get relaxed. ■ Meditation Music We create meditation music which are applicable for almost all kinds of meditation. Our music helps you with your style of meditaiton either it be Zen meditation, Reiki Meditation, Transcendental meditation or your own development. Our music soothes and focuses you on your meditation process without alerting you. Our music creates a peaceful environment around you and help you focus on your meditation. Along with only meditating, it also helps you cleansing yourself for positivity. As we say about third eye opening, it helps you with every steps of your meditation. ■ Concentration, Focus Music Either you are working or studying? Our music will help you to concentrate. Our binaural beats usually create a frequency which helps you to focus on studying or working. It doesn't have any kind of immediate changes which can distract you. ■ Lucid Dreams, Dreamscape Along with deep sleep, our music also helps you to get lucid dreams. Lucid dreams are important for self confidence and keeping your mind in right track. Our binaural beats (theta waves, delta waves) used in the music will help you achieve those lucid dreams. You can create your own landscape and be whatever you want in your own world. This helps you to get your subconscious thoughts into your conscious mind. ► At any place Anyone can play our music anywhere without disturbing others. If you own cafes, fast food, massage parlor, spa or any other place where people come to relax a bit, you can play our music for peaceful environment. ■ Natural Sounds We make use of natural sounds such as thunder, rain, wind, birds chirping, jungle. These sounds make you feel better and help you get attached with mother nature. #SleepMusic #BlackScreen #darkscreenpianomusic #blackscreenpianomusic @meditatewithabhi #blackscreensleepjazz #blackscreenjazzmusic #luciddream #luciddreaming how to astral project law of attraction obe out of body experience astral projection