Phonics songs 2|abc song|abc alphabet songs for kids|nursery rhymes |baa baa black sheep
Phonics songs 2|abc songs|a to z|phonics learning songs|nursery rhymes for kids|baa baa black sheep #abcd #kidsvideo #trending #alphabet #english hlo friends.....# i am anika welcome to my channal.... subscribe to my channal to get notification....... ............................................................................... ................................................................................ your query....... a for apple abcdehg english alphabet abcd cartoon a for apple b for boy alphabet songs a for apple a for ant nursury rymhys a for apple song a b c d song for children songs for kids a for apple b for ball c for cat d for dog what in this vedio.... ABCD rhymes fun abcd animation phonic sounds and many more..... in this chanal we aducate kids in fun way and engage them for educational purpose..... counting numbers phonic sound phonic songs 2 disclaimer...... under section 107 of the copyright act 1976 allowance is made for fair use for porposes such as criticism comments, news reporting secolorship and reserch fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise by infringing non profit ,educational or poersnol use tips the in favour of FAIR USE . thanks for watiching ...