May God Reverse Every Curse Spoken Over Your Life #jesus #prayer #bible #faith
May the Blood of Jesus Cover and Deliver You From All Evil May the Blood of Jesus Remove Every Curse Afflicting You May the Blood of Jesus Cover and Deliver You From All Evil Win Satan with the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony Plead the blood of Jesus for a long time. Invoke the blood of Jesus. Thank God for the blood of Jesus that set you free and washes you white as snow. Drink the blood of Jesus. Confess what the blood of Jesus did for you. Praise God. It is good to cover yourself with thanksgiving, praise, faith and the complete armor of God before presenting your petitions to God. God loves faith, praise and thanksgiving. Use them to enter God’s presence. They are parts of your spiritual armor, covering, protection and weapon. Pray biblically and the God of peace with give you great deliverance and completely crush Satan and his spirit of failure under your feet. Plead the blood of Jesus. Drink the blood of Jesus Invoke the blood of Jesus Soak your life and foundation in the blood of Jesus Sing songs about the power in the blood of God. Pray for the full baptism of the Holy Spirit and power. Pray for the fullness of God’s grace and pray for God to take you into His perfect will for your life. God’s perfect will for your life is a place of full grace, constant grace and glory and a place of power. God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His children so pray. Pray without ceasing and fill your heart with the word of God. Let the word of God dwell richly in you in all wisdom. #DeliverancePrayer #PowerOfPrayer #FaithJourney #SpiritualWarfare #GodsProtection #BloodOfJesus #VictoryInChrist #HolySpirit #godismyinheritance #trustthelord #pathoflife #joyfromgod #bountifuljoy #godisrighteous #prayer #psalm16 #confidentlyhope #stayjoyful #thankful #gratitude #godisgood #blessings #gratefulheart #countyourblessings #bethankful #godsgrace