Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost Live stream
This Sunday, September 26th at 10am, we will gather for worship back in our sanctuary for the third time. We will focus on the intriguing “hard sayings of Jesus” in the Gospel of Mark, as Jesus employs hyperbole and exaggeration to help people see that God’s ways of lifting up the “little ones” (those most vulnerable) are of ultimate importance for human community. Gathering in-person in our worship space is a joyous occasion for sure! But the risks of the pandemic are lingering as we head into the Fall and Winter, so we are taking precautions described below. This Sunday will include taping off spaces that we ask people not to occupy in the pews, in order to ensure adequate physical distancing. We will also not be offering the Coffee Fellowship for the time being. However, all are welcome to gather outside on the patio and greet one another as well as welcome those who are new to this church family. Our gathering for worship each Sunday at church, in our homes, or wherever we are able, is very essential to strengthen us to meet the world's challenges. These days, especially, we cling to the messages of our faith that call us to new beginnings and living a new life. Previous Sunday worship services can be found at our website. “www.ststephenslutheran.org” St. Stephen's Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-706539. Liturgy used by permission of Augsburg Fortress License #SBL14385.