March 19 2025 Mass Readings (Scripture Readings for the Day)

March 19 2025 Mass Readings (Scripture Readings for the Day)

Stop and think after reading: What can you take with you today? How did something in today's Bible reading comfort you, guide you, confront you, or instruct you? Stop and think about that for a few minutes so that it settles into your spirit. If there's a change you need to make, determine to do it and think for a moment about how you will make that change; what it will look like for you? We hope that these Scripture readings from today's Mass will bless you and turn your hearts toward our Lord. God bless you! We'd love to hear your questions and/or prayer requests! If you have a favorite prayer you'd like us to record, please let us know! David and Alyce-Kay +++ SufferingWell: Through the Cross, Not Around It ~ We believe your suffering and ours is very valuable. Jesus told us to take up our crosses and follow Him. He made it clear that our lives as Christians would be full of suffering. In other words, your suffering isn't a strange anomaly: It's actually part of your walk as a Christ-follower. Hence, our tagline: Through the Cross, Not Around It. Understanding how to give your suffering to God can make it so much more worthwhile ... and sometimes, you will actually find joy in it! The more we trust God and submit ourselves to Him, the better we can become at offering up our suffering to Him to use. It's easier to submit to God if we fully trust Him! And even more important, the more we trust God, the more we will trust Him in the suffering and see how it works for our good and the good of others and how it glorifies Him. Our desire is to help Christians learn to trust God in their suffering, to unite their suffering with Christ, and to offer it to God to use for the souls in purgatory, for those who suffer or need to know Christ, and for our world. We offer courses to support this and to encourage others in this practice. To learn more about SufferingWell, or to inquire about our classes, please contact us at [email protected]. We'd love to hear from you! +++ #massreadings #biblereadings #scripturereading #catholic #massreadingsfrombible #massreadingsfortoday