Ancestral Healing - Ancestral Lineage & Bloodline Healing - Subliminal

Ancestral Healing - Ancestral Lineage & Bloodline Healing - Subliminal

Ancestral Healing Connect with Your Ancestors Repair and Heal relationship with your own Ancestors Heal Any Generational Curses Break any and all Negative Cycles and patterns in your life Heal any karmic energy passed down through genes and DNA Heal any Trauma and negative energy passed down to DNA Heal All wounds passed down through DNA and Genetics Complete healing of Genes and DNA And more Sources: https://www.debirosespiritualhealing.... Youtube Videos:    • Cord Cutting - Break Free from Negati...   (Cord Cutting - Break Free from Negative Family Karma - Ancestral Healing - Sandra Rolus)    • MINI ANCESTRAL HEALING - Heal the ene...   (Ancestral Healing Guided Session)    • Shadow Work Through Ancestral Healing...   (Shadow Work through Ancestral Healing & Morphogenetic Field Dynamics)    • Reiki for Ancestral Lineage | Energy ...   (Reiki for Ancestral Lineage by Divine Whitelight Affirmations link Description: This subliminal affirms for you to clear your ancestral genetic code of all karmic energy, negative vibrations, frequencies, & imprints. What is Ancestral Healing? Ancestral healing is a method of healing used to heal trauma that has been passed down past many generations. Many of our ancestors that had incarnated here physically experienced a vast amount of trauma, unresolved emotions, conflicts, traumas, wounding, limitations, & beliefs. All of this buildup gets passed down to our DNA & genes. Even hexes & curses gets passed down too. A example of generational curses is soul being born into a family that has a history of drug addiction & illnesses. Souls that are born into this type of family are called black sheep. Those tend to be the ones that are called to break these curses & are said to carry the family's karma. Because of these generational curses, this is how negative cycles & patterns start & manifest. Ancestral healing frees yourself from the all the past generational trauma that has been passed down to you. You will become more connected to your soul purpose & destiny the more you let go. Much love and infinite blessings to you all FAQs Listen to this subliminal 1 - 6 times a day for noticeable results. Headphones & Earphones Optional. Affirm that you already have your results You can use a booster Results are permanent Multitasking is allowed Can be listened to while sleeping Any volume is good Custom Subliminal Request (Subliminal Request) Email - [email protected] Custom Subliminal - $14 Image credit/ Song Credit goes to the companies/artists responsible for making these original images or songs