80-20 Principal | Work less but Achieve more | Pareto Principle | Urdu - Hindi
The 80/20 Principle Book by Richard Koch. In this book we learn about the basic Principle that everyone must follow in his life and field . one must come to know the following useful things after knowing this book. The 5 major lessons in this book are; 1.20% of our efforts are usually what brings 80% of the results. 2.Forcing yourself to focus on only important things in your life helps you to be less stressed, while you get more results from lesser work 3.If you’re an entrepreneur, pay a special attention to the 20% of the activities, markets and clients that make you 80% of the money. 4.Stop expecting your activities to have equal result, focus instead on what matters 5.If you identify and make a list of the most important things in your life and focus on them, you’ll naturally be more productive.