I don't buy bread anymore😎 perfect bead  4-ingredient  recipe

I don't buy bread anymore😎 perfect bead 4-ingredient recipe

This recipe brings together a golden crustan airy crumb😍and that unmistakable aroma that fills your home with joy. Each slice is a reminder of how satisfying🤩 homemade bread can be, from the first bite to the last Ingredients: • Water: 220 ml • dry yeast: 2 g •Bread flour: 320 g •Salt: 6 g In this video, I'll show you how to make this incredible bread from scratch, using just 4 basic ingredients. 😎From mixing the ingredients to shaping and baking, you'll discover how easy and therapeutic bread-making can be👌    / @breadcrafters-x8l   The link to the previous video:    • Dough in 1 hour😎No kneading😍 Deliciou...   great baking wheat Homemade Soft fluffy delicious good feeling bread crafters