✨Hands In The Air + Dancing Like An Animal + more Little Mascots Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
Put Your Hands In The Air, Yeah~ Yeah~ Jump Up & Down & Spin yourself around. Watch our fun musical song that will bring everyone on their toes. Let's all bring our hands in the air and bounce~ 🌟 🎁 Watch more Top Rhymes here ⬇️ ★ • Itsy Bitsy Spider + The Bath Song + m... ★ • Wheels On The Bus🚌 | Kids Rhyme | Lit... ★ • Little Fish | Little Mascots Nursery ... ★ • Baa Baa Black Sheep + Wheels On The B... ★ • [Best] Five Little Ducks + more Littl... ⭐️Check out our kids Playlists Now ★ • ✨Learn with Little Mascots | Kids Rhymes ★ • Top 🔟 Rhymes for babies | Little Mascots And SUBSCRIBE to our Official Channels for new videos every week! 🎉🎉 / @littlemascotsdaily / @littlemascots / @swiftytheshark Lyrics: Put your hands in the air Yeah Yeah~ Jump Up and Down And Spin yourself around Hands in the air Yeah Yeah~ And clap your hands Clap clap clap Put your hands in the air Yeah Yeah~ Jump Up and Down And Spin yourself around Hands in the air Yeah Yeah~ And clap your hands Clap clap clap And stomp your feet Stomp stomp stomp Put your hands in the air Yeah Yeah~ Jump Up and Down And Spin yourself around Hands in the air Yeah Yeah~ And clap your hands Clap clap clap And stomp your feet Stomp stomp stomp And shake your hips Shake shake shake Put your hands in the air Yeah Yeah~ Jump Up and Down And Spin yourself around Hands in the air Yeah Yeah~ And clap your hands Clap clap clap And stomp your feet Stomp stomp stomp And shake your hips Shake shake shake And shout out loud YaY~~~ Timestamps 00:00 Intro 00:05 Hands In The Air 01:34 Happy Birthday Song 02:33 The Bath Song 04:25 Wheels On The Bus Animals 06:23 Trick Or Treat 07:55 Baa Baa Black Sheep 09:49 Bingo Song 12:20 Wheels On The Bus 15:01 Wheels On The Bus Colors 16:50 Itsy Bitsy Spider Little Mascots: We hope you had the same fun watching the video as we had making it for you! Our Songs collection is a great way to get familiar with generic rhymes, learning them, becoming expressive and creative all while getting entertained. About Channel: Little Mascots focuses on helping parents in providing pre-nursery education like learning alphabets, numbers and good habits to babies. Learning oriented rhymes are a great way to make kids become more expressive . And our responsibility is to deliver a great end product for kids. Happy Learning :) #LittleMascotsDaily #HandsInTheAir #LittleMascotsRhymes #ItsyBitsySpider #LittleFish #BaaBaaBlackSheep #ThankYouSong #FiveLittleSpeckledFrogs #TheMoreWeGetTogether #MonthsOfTheYear #ColorFamily #HeadShoulderKneesNToes #FingerFamilySongAnimals #WheelsOnTheBusRhyme #DancingLikeAnAnimal #HappyBirthdayRhyme #TrickOrTreatSong #NurseryRhymes #KidsSongs #PoemsForBabies