Homily For The 29th Sunday In Ordinary Time Year B.  [English]

Homily For The 29th Sunday In Ordinary Time Year B. [English]

HOMILY FOR 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, B The Leadership Model Of Jesus 1. Leadership is Service –We must understand that if there is a leader, then there is a follower. You cannot be a leader if you have no followers. It is therefore your followers that make you a leader. The example of Jesus is that leaders must serve faithfully to the extent of sacrifice. If all you seek is what you stand to gain or the honour attached to your position, you must rethink! 2. Leadership is Humility –The opportunity to lead should always make us humble. One important truth about our lives is that we are not leaders because we are the best. In fact, if it were about merit, most of us will not be who we are. Many of those we lead are better than us, and that should make us humble. Besides there is always a higher authority to whom we must leave final decisions. 3. Leadership is Listening –the good leader must understand that listening to those we lead is essential in being a successful leader. That shows that you care for your followers. [As you listen, be SMART] Listening doesn't mean taking or accepting just anything that is said. You must be ready to explain why this or that is possible or not. 4. Leadership is fostering Unity –Even after the indignation of the 10 disciples after the request of the 2, Jesus brings them all back together and teaches them to have a right understanding of leadership. Mistakes can be corrected and can be beneficial to us if we are ready to learn from them. Mistakes can also be used to teach others lest they commit same. 5. Leadership is Suffering – in "godly" suffering, the leader is better prepared and equipped to sympathize with those who suffer. Do not be afraid to suffer as a leader, whether as part of your duties or in preparation for leadership! (1st Reading) Conclusion: Are you burdened because of your duties as a leader? Let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help! (Hebrew. 4:16) God bless you. 🙏🏾 By Rev. Fr. Anthony Mawuli Ahiabor.