Middle Class Money Traps That Will Keep You Broke Forever
Middle Class Money Traps That Will Keep You Broke Forever Are you the unwitting victim of these money traps that rob your wealth causing you to remain stuck in the rat race of the middle class? Failing to avoid these traps is detrimental to your financial health and can keep you dependent on a paycheck. Many people function on autopilot unaware of these simple actions that are preventing them from creating the wealth they want. It can seem that there’s just never enough extra money no matter how much you earn to spend in a meaningful way like investing for retirement or making purchases that are deemed important. Avoiding these middle class money traps, especially number one, will help you break out of the rat race so you can financially support the lifestyle you desire. Timestamps: 00:00 - Intro 00:48 - Not Knowing What You Are Invested In 02:08 - Actively Trading 03:33 - Not Tax Planning 04:58 - Being Unwilling to Make Changes 06:19 - Not buying a House 07:45 - Not taking Risks 08:25 - Spending Money because you deserve to 09:36 - Claiming you don't care about money 10:31 - Thinking none of these would work for you!