I Surprised This Kid With 1,000,000 V-BUCKS!
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Press Button = 1 Million Fortnite VBucks. (PART 2)
I Surprised a Fan with 100,000 V-Bucks!
Winning 1,000,000 V-Bucks from my Dad
I Bought 1,000,000 V-Bucks (World Record)
Big Brother SURPRISES Little Brother With V-BUCKS! (FORTNITE!)
Take The V-Bucks Or Double It And Give It To Someone Else
Kid STEALS DADS Credit Card To Buy Robux! (roblox)
Steal Dad Credit Card And Buys Fornite Vbucks 😱💳 #shorts
After School My 9 Year Old Kid Buys EVERYTHING In The item Shop! 107,000 V-Bucks SPENDING SPREE
Buying My 9 Year Old Kid 100,000 Fortnite V-Bucks. HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY Freddie!
Giving My 7 Year Old Kid 13,500 V-Bucks & Ps5 Console For His Birthday! HAPPY 7th BIRTHDAY Harrison
Spending 1,000,000 VBucks in 24 Hours
Most excited kid ever to get Vbucks / Fortnite / surprise gift / best gift surprise ever / #shorts
Surprised Kid With V-BUCKS Gift Cards... (FORTNITE)
Kid spends $5000 on brother's credit card to buy Vbucks (Fortnite)
Surprising My 6 Year Old Kid Giving Him 13,500 V-Bucks To Unlock Spider-Man And A XBOX S CONSOLE
Surprising My 8 Year Old Kid Giving Him The MINTY LEGENDS Pack And 3,000 FREE V-Bucks After School
BIRTHDAY BOY spends $$$ In-App Purchase without ASKING! (FV Family Chase Bday Vlog)
Giving My 8 Year Old Kid 50,000 Fortnite V-Bucks For His Birthday! HAPPY 8th BIRTHDAY To My Son Fred