Sunday Mass | October 24, 2021 | St. John's Cathedral
The Twenty-Second after Pentecost Sunday from St. John's Cathedral, Los Angeles. Follow along with the bulletin here: https://bit.ly/3C7IFfA All vaccinated people are welcome to attend indoor worship. We ask that you get vaccinated against covid-19 before you attend public in-person worship. More about us at: https://www.stjohnsla.org Donate: We invite you to text STJOHNSLA to 44321 to donate with your phone or use the GivePlus+ app. https://www.stjohnsla.org/donate Follow & Subscribe YouTube: / stjohnsla Instagram: @stjohnsla Soundcloud: / user-487997803 #sundayservice #sundaymass #churchonline #church #preach #prayer #morningprayer #stjohnsla