Cultus manual to automatic

Cultus manual to automatic

Suzuki Liana complete details Best car in Low budget Title #usamaautomobileworkshop #BestCars #fueleconomy #customerexperience #SuzukiLiana #customerfeedback #customersatisfaction #smoothly #vibration. okay Suzuki LIANA Major problem 😕 1:' Overheating problem 2; Fuel economy is very bad 😔 3; Engine Missing problem 😭 4: Resale value very down 5; Engine maintenance cost High Alhumdullilha Guys here we go again. We received Suzuki Liana M13A manual from another valued customer, Note: We always suggest people to get their vehicles proper standardized treatments. Whoever you go to.. tell them to work as per standards , afterall these cars are not only travelling machines. They are the only things we trust ours and ohers lives with.. so better be sure about the services you are paying for. JazakAllah. Asalam o Alaikum we are back with another update for all of our customer family and the people following us. we recently experienced another situation which is the actuall reason of making this post and highlighting this issue to all of you. whenever You get your cars transmissions upgraded from manual to automatic, please make sure that all the electrical wiring, sensors, mechanical setup is upto standards and nothing is bypassed. the case we were dealing with was facing an issue of jerks between shifting and other several sounds with missing as well. we did all the scanning , fixed the wiring problem and did a thorough diagnose to fix all the missing/malfunctioning elements, get them to standards. Alhamdulillah its been fixed. we are glad to serve You. #suzukiliana #suzukialto #mehranauto #mehran #mehrancar #autogear