Start Your Day With GOD (Thank GOD) | Morning Prayer & Devotional

Start Your Day With GOD (Thank GOD) | Morning Prayer & Devotional

📖 "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." – Psalm 51:10 There are moments in life when we feel the weight of our mistakes, when our hearts long for renewal, when we need God’s cleansing power to refresh our spirits. The enemy tries to trap us in guilt, but God’s mercy is greater than our failures. He does not reject a broken and contrite heart; instead, He welcomes us with open arms, ready to wash us clean. ✨ Sin may stain, but God’s grace restores. Guilt may linger, but His mercy covers all. No matter how far you’ve wandered, God is always ready to forgive, renew, and restore the joy of His salvation within you. 🙏 Let’s pray together, asking God to purify our hearts, to draw us closer to Him, and to fill us with His presence. May His grace wash over us and His love transform us into vessels of His light. 💬 If this prayer has touched your heart, type ‘Amen’ in the comments as a sign of faith. Share your prayer requests—we would be honored to pray with you. May you walk in the freedom of God’s forgiveness and the joy of His presence.