THE LAST OF US EPISODE 5 REACTION | 1x5 "Endure And Survive"

THE LAST OF US EPISODE 5 REACTION | 1x5 "Endure And Survive"

We are Julia & Trent and you're in the Fandom Zone, your place for all things nerdy. Check out our other videos: Vox Machina Season 1:    • Legend of Vox Machina Season 1   Guardians Of The Galaxy Holiday Special Reaction:    • Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Speci...   Black Panther Wakanda Forever Review:    • Black Panther Wakanda Forever Review   Andor Season 1:    • Andor Season 1   Our Handles: Trent: Julia: email: [email protected] #thelastofus #TLOU #hbomax