Why Ex Girlfriends Contact Men & Why YOU Should Ignore Them

Why Ex Girlfriends Contact Men & Why YOU Should Ignore Them

Ex girlfriends contact men when you become better. Chase excellence, not women, and this will happen, comment below with your experiences. Channel Sponsor: You're showering anyways, so why not buy handmade soap from a sponsor that supports the creation of my content. Use code "COOPER" at checkout and Get 10% off Tactical Soap mentioned at the end of the video here: http://bit.ly/2jQEZbz Send business/sponsorship inquiries to [email protected] ====================================================== HOW TO GET COACHING: Phone Coaching: https://clarity.fm/richardcooper Request a Video: https://entrepreneursincars.com/request/ ====================================================== Join my email list: https://entrepreneursincars.com/newsl... ====================================================== JOIN MY PRIVATE MENS COMMUNITY The absolute best way to connect with me, and 400+ men chasing excellence, is to join my private community for men. It's a monthly subscription, and the exclusive content is commercial free, catered towards men living better lives, and will never be found publicly on my channel. You will get direct access to me and: 1) In depth private videos to help men master, self-care, money, biz and inter-sexual dynamics 2) Access a secret Facebook community men working on themselves 3) Join private bi-weekly live Q&A hangout sessions with me 4) 25% discount on my 1 on 1 coaching rate. All of the above perks can be had on my website: http://entrepreneursincars.com/community ====================================================== Bitcoin Donations BTC address: 1L1AUHgPeEWXr5AeG6eStRpHsa93FBSNuk ====================================================== FAQs That thing on my wall:    • My Torso Cast   What I do for a living:    • What I do for a living   ====================================================== © Richard Cooper - For all business inquires contact [email protected] This video is not to be reproduced without prior authorization. The original YouTube video may be distributed & embedded, if required. #ExGirlfriends #Hypergamy #Dating