Hours of True Scary Stories with Rain Sound Effects - Black Screen Compilation

Hours of True Scary Stories with Rain Sound Effects - Black Screen Compilation

A big thanks to @JNightmares for collaborating with me in part one of this video and for providing, translating the stories and for narrating stories 3 and 6. Check out his channel at:    / @jnightmares   For more mega compilations, check out the playlist:    • Scary Stories for Sleep   SEND YOUR STORY TO: [email protected] For exclusive video content and other perks, join my channel membership or Patreon: Channel membership:    / @mrrevenant   Patreon:   / mrrevenant   Find me on Twitter at twitter.com/TheMrRevenant to stay updated or to just say hi! If you're on Reddit, come and pay a visit to my subreddit r/StoriesforMrRevenant, and if you feel like it, share your true scary stories with me and each other. Don't forget to invite your horror loving friends! Hi everyone, settle in for an extra long compilation of October's stories All stories are read with full permission. Please see story credits for respective videos:    • True  Scary Stories from Reddit - Bla...   u/nuno11ptt TIFU by helping a stranger change his tire in the middle of the night u/krissi510 Don’t Pick Up Hitchhikers u/danielmarkwright TIFU by stopping a burglar from committing a crime. u/xandrenia u/LottiesLo Sheriff Tried To Lure Me Into The Back of His Cop Car u/Ok_Reality_7927 I almost got kidnapped at school u/clex_ace u/DiggyDaz131415 Get in my car, I’m a Policeman u/thesh0e92 u/sofapotata How the cops unknowingly saved my life u/tha_stormin_mormon Tinder cop weirdo u/erinkjean    • True Scary Stories from Reddit - Blac...   u/Meganja23 TIFU **TMNFU (Time My Neighbor F*ed Up) by outing a serial killer before calling the police u/Fiftydollarvolvo TIFU by hanging out with 3 murderers Anonymous u/AlpineMind u/tweak06 I think I was almost trafficked when I was a kid u/Carellex Strange moment on a highway early in the morning u/Vikashar Armed home invaders    • True  Scary Stories from Reddit - Bla...   u/EliBbox There were 2 guys on my balcony with knives u/Pleasant_Sock_8550 Sketchy Night Bus Barber u/_theRIX Anonymous u/pinguitoo u/Successful_Arm_7509 u/Wrong_Swordfish Creeper cop u/qwertyshmerty I think someone attempted to pickpocket me u/losttwd2124 I was clinically dead for 3 minutes. u/hash_include99 Guy friend threatened and made me feel unsafe at 2AM in night u/squishman1203 u/unicornshavefeelings Music by Myuu Nicholas Gasparini, October 31st, ABYSS, Fatal Shrine, Growing Shadows https://thedarkpiano.com/music License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... No changes made. Check out his channel:    / myuuji   Time Stamps: 00:00 1 35:58 2 1:10:19 3 To have your true story featured in a video, share it to: OR email it to: [email protected] let's not meet stories - creepy encounters - Horror Stories - customer service horror stories - scary horror stories - creepy encounters - let's not meet - True scary customer service stories - True creepy stories - Scary Stories - True Scary Stories - Creepy Stories - True creepy customer service stories - retail horror stories - True Creepy Stories – Reddit Horror Stories - Disturbing Stories – True creepy retail stories - Black Screen - True creepy uninvited houseguest stories - home intruder horror stories - True Creepy home intruder stories – Reddit Horror Stories - Disturbing Stories – True scary houseguest stories - True scary uninvited houseguest stories - horror stories - scary home visitor stories - scary home intruder horror stories - Black Screen #scary #horrorstories #creepyencounters