FETAL SKULL | Bones | Sutures | Diameters | Fontanels | Anatomy | OBG Lecture | The Nurses Station

FETAL SKULL | Bones | Sutures | Diameters | Fontanels | Anatomy | OBG Lecture | The Nurses Station

Fetal Skull is oval shaped. At term it is larger in proportion to the fetal body and maternal pelvic canal. Fetal skull is the ,ost difficult part of the baby to pass through the mother's pelvic canal. Fetal skull is divided into several areas viz., vertex, sinciput, occiput, face and base. It has two frontal, two parietal, one occipital and two temporal bones. The sutures between bones are non ossified membranes. A fontanel in a suture line is known as the fontanel. Two fontanels of obstetric importance are anterior fontanel and posterior fontanel. The diameters of fetal skull are of obstetric significance as thry determine the passage of fetal skull through the ,maternal pelvis during childbirth. Visit Our Website :: https://the-nurses-station.blogspot.com Instagram ::   / thenursesstationpage   Facebook ::   / thenursesstationpage   Twitter ::   / tnursesstation   Subscribe ::    / @thenursesstation   Related Videos    • FEMALE PELVIS | Anatomy | Bones | Lig...      • FETAL CIRCULATION | Fetal Circulation...      • ATRIAL SEPTAL DEFECT | Congenital Hea...      • VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT | VSD | Rep...      • Vital Signs || Importance of Vital Si...      • IV CANNULA | Intravenous Cannula | Co...   Playlists Pediatric Nursing ::    • Pediatric Nursing   Cardiovascular System ::    • Cardiovascular System (MSN)   Respiratory System ::    • Respiratory System (MSN)   Genitourinary System ::    • Genitourinary System (MSN)   ENT Nursing ::    • ENT Nursing (MSN)   Nursing Foundation ::    • Nursing Foundation   Ophthalmology Nursing ::    • Ophthalmology Nursing (MSN)   Hit the Like Button If You Like The Video And Also Subscribe Our Channel for More Nursing Related Videos LEGAL DISCLAIMER These videos are intended for educational purposes only. Although we strive for 100% accuracy in all of our videos, errors may occur. Never treat a patient or make a nursing or medical decision based on the information provided on this channel or in our videos. Never practice nursing or medicine unless you have a proper license to do so. #FetalSkull #Midwifery #TheNursesStation