English vocabulary | Alternative words for "careless" | Speak English fluently and confidently

English vocabulary | Alternative words for "careless" | Speak English fluently and confidently

In this video, I have informed you about the alternative words which you can use instead of "Careless". Spoken English in Tamil |English speaking tips| Vocabulary | Speak English fluently Good morning friends, I wish everyone to speak English as early as possible..... In your busy schedule, you may not have time to practice English, so its my small and sincere effort to make you practice English. #spokenenglishthroughstories #SpokenEnglishinTamil #HowtospeakEnglishfluentlyandconfidently #tipstoSpeakEnglishFluently #SpeakEnglishfluentlythroughTamil #EnglishspeakingtipsinTamil #LearnEnglishthroughTamil #learntospeakEnglisheasilythroughTamil #HowtospeakEnglishforkidseasilythroughTamil #SpeakinEnglishpracticethroughTamil #howcanIspeakEnglishfluentlyintamil Thank you friends.